Saturday, April 21, 2012


Collaboration seemed to be a critical component in the media arts practices at this design studio. Youth not only learned about computer programming from their social participation but they also became motivated by collaborating with peers and mentors to create and share work.
I agree that students gain a great deal from their peers.  Everyone likes to be successful and when a student creates something they want to have the project accepted by their peers and receive ownership of their work and pride in their accomplishments.  Brandy was proud of her projects and although could not explain how she accomplished the task she was able to demonstrate how to do it so others could try.

Creativity in this context can take on a variety of forms. Most importantly we feel that youth were able to creatively insert themselves and their interests into their media artwork.
I think expression of oneself is very important.  Expression is how we make others understand who we are.  Media arts in this case gave these urban youths a means of showing who they were without some of the pressures they have in their daily lives.  I have seen urban youths excel at fabric design when allowed to use technology and create designs that meant something to them.

Computation is also a learned skill that becomes useful as youth, even those like Brandy that are unable to read, can use for creative production. Although further study is needed, Brandy seemed to have navigated the programming environment by memorizing a subset of commands to find them visually on the screen.
 I think this proves that technology use is important in demonstrating new skills because the learner can try many different approaches to achieve the desired outcome.  In Brandy's case she could not read the commands but was able to use them by memorizing what commands achieved what action.



All I Really Need to Know (About Creative Thinking) I Learned (By Studying How Children Learn) in Kindergarten* by Mitchel Resnick

Unfortunately, most schools are out-of-step with today’s Needs: they were not designed to help students develop as creative thinkers.
I was returned to school after taking some time off to raise a family and was very surprised to changes that have taken place in education.  I saw standards limit teachers in what they were going to present which I think is one reason the focus in the classroom is not always on creating creative thinking.  I think that creative thinking is a necessary skill that should be fostered in education and agree with the authors that it is an area often in the background.  Educator speak of the need to develop credical thinking skills but these skills are often linked to standard curriculum rather than opportunities to try different options and develop ways to use them.

Too often, educational technologies are overly constrained, such as tutoring software for
teaching algebra, or simulation software for modeling planetary motion in the solar system. Our goal is to provide tools that can be used in multiple ways, leaving more room for children’s imaginations.
Once again I think some of this is linked to standards and teaching skills required to pass the standardize tests and the other part is that educators need to think outside the box but this is not always accepted.  Many times parents and non-educators view activities such as playing a role playing game as useless for education and only valued as a fun activity.  I see role playing games as a chance to try out different roles.  In the field of family and consumer science I can see using a game such as the Sims to show the hurdles you face in daily life such as working and earning a living, having enough money to live a certain lifestyle, mataining friendships and social interactions and providing food, shelter and scheduling tasks within a time frame.  In child care class it is accepted for a student to take home a infant doll and care for the doll for a period of time to learn what it takes to care for an infant but a game like the Sims can show similar lessons only in a virtual setting.

Certainly, play has been an integral part of the traditional kindergarten approach to learning, and most adults recognize the importance of providing young children with opportunity to play. But as children grow older, educators and parents often talk about play dismissively, referring to activities as “just play,” as if play is separate and even in opposition to learning.

I agree with this statement and have had teachers dismiss certain activities as having little or no value other just being for fun.  Parents are involved with organized sports outside of school and talk about the benefits of being a team player, developing character and disclipine, and need for involvement but when play is in the classroom it is not taken serious.  I think that with the right activity students can develop the benefit of being a team player by working toward a goal during a game activity.  I think they can develop disiclipine while trying out different ways to be successful in a game.  I think they can develop character my trying out different roles through play as they figure out what behaviors are acceptable and what behaviors do not work.  The classroom is an extension of life where skills are learned but to many these skills are just learning facts but not always how to use them or how to make a connection to their value in life out side of school.  In recent years authentic learning has been a catch phase and I think with careful choice of activities coupled with learning objectives, giving students a chance to try a skill, make a connection and reflection, and providing opportunities for collaboration play activities can be a great benefit in the classroom.

DEJ 4 scratch game

I chose a game called Mc Fries Fast Food.  It was based on a fast food restaurant where the player must serve customers to make money.  This game could be used to illustrate how to run a business, and customer service and what happens if poor service is provided.  The game also has the player match pictures to the words of the customers order.

how: The how part of the game is to operate a fast food restaurant and keep customer happy.
what: the what part of this game is to choose the food that matches the customer’s request in the shortest amount of time to earn the most money. The player must match the words of the customer order to pictures of the menu items.
why: the why part of this game is the importance of making the customer happy to earn money and run a successful business or lose them to the competition.
where: the where part of this game is the representation of a fast food restaurant.
when / whether: the when / whether part of this game is if the order was filled correctly the customer is happy but if not the customer goes to the competitor and the business goes out of business