Friday, November 2, 2012


Failing to distribute critical literacy skills equally to all children regardless of their race, class, gender and ethnicity only reinforces and perpetuates the inequities in knowledge and power that marginalized groups already face(Goodman, 2003). I agree with this statement. I have heard many times from minority youth “the MAN keeps me down” and as a white middle class individual who grew up and had my primary education in an upper middle class neighborhood I thought this was just an excuse for being lazy and unsuccessful. I have changed my view as I worked more with these youths in my pursuit of my educational degree and also through community programs. I have always told people that they have to challenge what they hear, read and view and to decide if they want to believe it or not. I think that these marginalized groups deserve the skills to also be able to understand who, what and why a certain message is being delivered and be able to let others know their opinions. I have seen opinions of these marginalized youth be disregarded without consideration

 I found this website which was a good resource for many different topics and examples of medial projects. the name of the organization is Parienet which promotes community connections through technology tolls.

Link to Parienet dital storytelling

Digital storytelling in the classroom. (2011). Retrieved from Digital storytelling in the classroom 
Goodman, S. (2003). Teaching youth media: A critical guide to literacy, video production & social change. NY: Teachers College Press.

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