Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Distance - a digital story by Marianna Cojava week 9 activity 2

I chose the digital story Distance. The producer of this story told her life journey from a minority child to a mother, wife and college graduate. The story was very emotional. The dramatic question was a statement I didn’t know I didn’t live in a house. It was the setting statement for the story. The story captured the emotion of the viewer as they were told of a young girl and her brother facing predudice at an early age. The narrator used a clear voice to tell the story. The story was not overly wordy and the words did paint the picture of the story. The music was a good addition to the story. The story held the attention of the viewer. The audience for this story could be anyone but a minority student could identify with the story and the storyteller. It could be viewed as a message of hope that anyone can make their own life journey. I think I connected with this story because I witnessed this in reverse. I moved from a very nice house in Pennsylvania to move to a mobile home in West Virginia. When my husband found out he had a terminal illness he wanted to go home to his home state. We moved to a mobile home and I was shocked to see the attitude of my family and friends about living in a mobile home. It was my home, with my furniture, my family and my decorations and I was happy there