Thursday, October 4, 2012

week 6 activity 1

Here is my lesson plan.  I have included weblinks to a postcard creator along with several good videos to illustrate tricks used in food advertising.

Grade 8 Food and Nutrition
Unit Healthy Food Choices
Lesson 5
Food advertisements: How media affects the foods we eat or which brand we choose?
Student objectives:
Students will analyze food advertisements to better understand how products are marketed.
 Students will create their own advertisements using learned techniques to promote healthful foods.
Students will describe how food producers use advertising and marketing to promote their foods.
Students will be able to describe what techniques they used to make their ad to appeal to target audience.
Students will be able to define marketing and advertising terms such as target audience, consumer, test panel, tag line, and media format.
CSO: WVEIS 0739 Nutrition and Wellness
HSTE.O.NW.5.4 analyze the information on food labels.
HSTE.O.NW.9.1 implement the use of software and hardware
HSTE.O.NW.9.2 utilize the Internet as a resource/research tool.

Day 1
Continuing with the theme of making healthy eating choices students will be introduced to food advertising, food marketing and food styling.  Classroom discussion of what factors go into our food choices.  Introduce the professions of food stylist, food photographer and advertising expectative with a marketing firm.  Students will be given a resource packet of websites and videos that they can research on this subject. 

Day 2
Students will report to the computer lab to research food marketing, food photography, food styling and commercials.  Working in groups of three the students will compile a report of their findings along with a list of websites visited.  Students will start to design a advertising postcard for a food product of their choice.  The postcard creator will help you design the back of your postcard.  The front can be designed after you print your postcard.  You can decorate the front of the card anyway you want but remember the purpose of the card is to promote a food product.  You may use the postcard creator or create you own.
Post card creator 

Day 3
Students will continue to work on their postcard’s .  Each group will develop a marketing campaign based on their postcard advertisement and prepare a class presentation.

Day 4
Each group will present their postcard to the class along with their marketing campaign.  Students will critique the ad and campaign and give examples of what tactics were successful and why.

Web Resources

You can choose to view these websites or research your own sites for this project.  Each group will compile a list of websites visited or videos viewed.

1 comment:

  1. Did you make a sample post card for students? Don't forget o connect the lesson plan to the Partnership for 21 Century skills framework.

    Let me know when you get these posted!
