Saturday, September 29, 2012

week 5

 How does visual imagery negatively influence the truth in political campaigns and foreign relations? 
First foreign countries have an altered view of the United states before they view anything.  Many countries based their views of the US from their government, their religious leaders and their countries media slant.  Other cultures would interpret a photo differently than we would.  In our country it depends on which side is taking the photo and what message or feeling they want to send.  A family photo of a candidate can send a message of a good man when in reality he may be a cheater.  Edwards is a good example of this he was always a man for the underdog with good family values.
2. Can you think of a recent foreign relations incident that may have been related to visual imagery?
 I can think of the rejoicing the Bin Lauden was dead that we had killed him on a Navy Seals mission and the reaction from the Arab world.
3. What does Ben Franklin by the phrase "Freedom of the press only applies if you have a press." 
I like that quote and it rings true to my ears.  I am always amazed at how many people take the news at face value without questioning the story.  When I get on my soapbox people looked at my like I have three eyes to question a news station.
4. Do you think that the explosion of digital media is akin to giving everyone a press?
Yes with the accessibility to social networks, blogs and text messaging there are so many more outlets to speak your mind and let your views be heard.
5. In your opinion, is the potential for more people to create their own media a positive or negative influence on our democratic society?
In my opinion who is a strong believer in free speech it is a positive influence but the reader has to be informed to make a decision to accept or reject the view stated.
6. Is our increasingly visual cultural a good thing or bad thing?
7. What can save us from the tyranny of a visual culture?

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