Thursday, September 6, 2012

 People Objects  Activities
 President Obama office listening

1. Based on what you have observed list three things you might infer from the photograph.
President appears to be listening
President does not seem happy lips are tightly shut and forehead wrinkled.
President is not in a suit or wearing a tie seems casual for such an important event.
2. Read the article title and photo caption.

Activity #3: Reading Photographs: Due Sunday Midnight (10 points)

Please read the Double Entry Journal reading before completing this assignment!

Then Read the information on the following link:

Next you will conduct your own photo analysis of the two pictures below.

Both of these photos appeared on the same day in two different newspapers after the Gulf Coast oil spill.

Photo in the New York Daily News: Tuesday June 15, 2010.
President Barack Obama is briefed on the BP oil spill relief efforts in the Gulf

.What questions do the caption and article title raise in your mind?
Where is he being briefed does not appear to be the White House books are in the background but also greenery for outside.
President is in casual dress at a time very important action needs to be taken.
what is he doing wrong that will reflect so negative and is being compared to another bad decision by a president
How could he handle the spill better?
Could anything have been done such as federal inspection help prevent this disaster?

Divide the photo into quadrants and study each section to see what new details become visible. Use the chart below to list people objects and activities in the photograph. 

 People Objects  Activities
 group of men  laughing and walking appear to be talking
 President Obama in center smiling and walking
casual dress
 American ship ship deck 

 oil rig in left background seems to working without problems
1. Based on what you have observed list three things you might infer from the photograph.
Appears to be a casual positive time.
Picture takes place on american ship with oil rig in the background.
armed guards on ship

3. What questions do the caption and article title raise in your mind?
Why does the government need to take control of claims?
President taking action to help American citizens affected by spill.
Will the government be in the fight for the long run.

4. Which picture gives you more confidence in the presidents leadership abilities? Why?
I like the picture of the President listening.  He seems concerned that he is getting all the facts.  He appears to be displeased yet still invested in the issue.  He appears serious and forming a plan of action.
5. Do you think the editors of these news papers have a liberal or conservative bias? Why? How could you find out?
I would guess that the New York Daily News would be conservative from the caption and title.  I would think that the washington Post would be more liberal from the story title.  I did look information on both papers and found that the new York Daily News is considered to be more liberal,  The opinion of the Washington Post seems to be less clear with some reporting it to be more conservative while others believe it to be more liberal but most state that it is a miiddle of the road paper that takes on any worthy story.  One thing that I did to staart my research on the papers was to see who owns the paper to judge if they represent a certain group,

1 comment:

  1. Great research strategies to determine the bias of the owners or editors of the newspapers!
