Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Double Journal week 2

We know that 75 percent of American adolescents are online (U.S. Census,2002) and 85 percent of all Internet users expect to find key news information online (Horrigan and Rainie, 2002). Yet “the adolescents of the nineties are more isolated and more unsupervised than other generations”(Hersch, 1998). The tools of visual, media, and information literacy must be taught in school because they will (or won’t) be used at home.
I agree that the American adolescent’s life has a large component of internet usage and they want the information instantly. I also agree that adolescents are often using the internet without supervision and often do not have another person to asked about information presented on the web and since instant information is desired the adolescent often does not have anyone to adk about the information. I believe that it is the responsibility of the education system to demonstrate to today’s students how to evaluate the information being presented. Students should be made aware that there are organizations such as political campaigns that have an agenda to slant media to favor their views. Our students need to be given tools to evaluate the information presented and thus have a chance to form their own views rather than the views the photographer or writer wants them to form. Our country has always been free thinkers and our students deserve the tools and skills to be their own free thinkers.

 I choose this video because it is from the media producer point of view and how they get the viewer to feel emotions by setting the scene to achieve the desired outcome. This video illustrates how much planning and science goes into the making of media. Changing the lighting or angle can change the whole emotion of the situation. I think this video is a good illustration to show students how they can be lead to feel or think and why it is important to know how to analysis what they are viewing. I like the use of popular movies to students to show how small changes change the feeling of the video.

 What is semiotics? Semiotics is the study of how the reading of signs and symbols together communicate complicated ideas in the form of codes (Lester, 2000).

 How can teachers capitalize on students preferred literacy behaviors? Design activities that include the use of media and give students opportunities to design projects using media.

 According to this article why is it important for students to learn to analyze the news media? the article states that students who learn to analyze news media are empowered to form their own opinion and can view themselves as a powerful member of society where they can form views and opinions.

 WV CSO: RLA.O.8.1.9. Summarize explicit and implied information from literary and informational texts to recognize the relationships among the facts, ideas, events and concepts (e.g., names, dates, events, organizational patterns, graphical representations as found in photographs, captions, maps, tables or timelines, textual features including table of contents, headings or side bars).

 Source:Abilock, D. (2003, November/December). A seven-power lens on 21st century literacy. DOI:

Media literacy: keys to interpreting media messages [Web]. (2010). Retrieved from

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