Sunday, September 9, 2012

Healthy Choice Café Steamers

Deconstruct this commercial using these questions:

Whose message is this? Who created or paid for it? Why?
The commercial was produced for a food manufacturer that produces the Healthy Choice food line.  The manufacture of Healthy Choice Steamers would be the party paying for the commercial.  The purpose of this commercial is to sell Healthy Choice Steamers.

Who is the “target audience”? What is their age, ethnicity, class, profession, interests, etc.? What words, images or sounds suggest this?
The age of the target audience is mid thirties to older adults.  The target audience from this commercial is white America who are professionals along with older adults that are on a budget but want to stay healthy.  The mother wants to be young again which is not only portrayed by the spoken words but by her clothes and hairstyle.  The daughter states that eating these meals is cheaper than other measures of keeping young.

 What is the “text” of the message? (What we actually see and/or hear: written or spoken words, photos, drawings, logos, design, music, sounds, etc.) The words paint a picture of a mother who does not want to grow old, the daughter gives a positive message about the meals but a negative message about her mother’s desired to stay young.  The male who is eating the meal tells how fresh, crisp and delicious the steamers is.

 What is the “subtext” of the message? (What do you think is the hidden or unstated meaning?)
These steamers are good, healthy, affordable for seniors, a good food choice, and can be enjoyed by young and old.

 What kind of lifestyle is presented? How?
The setting is a modern house that appears to be of a professional family.  This family appears to be a couple in their thirties that do not have children.  I found it funny that only one person was eating giving the impression that these meals are quick and easy when the couple cannot take time to eat together.

 What values are expressed?
Healthy eating is a good thing and will help you when you get old.  It is important to stay young at all costs.  While done in a joking form evident by laughing while speaking but also displayed a lack of respect for the mother and her point of view.

 What tools of persuasion are used? See "The language of persuasion"
Repetition-making reference to the mother’s desire to look younger and also the name of the product
Humor- the whole commercial poked fun at the mothers desire to look young and the daughter talked while laughing
Simple solution- eat the product and be healthier and look younger longer

What positive messages are presented? What negative messages are presented?
Eating healthy is good and leads to a better quality of life in later adult years. Negative messages were the silly mother trying everything to look younger and how the daughter viewed the mother as foolish.

 What groups of people does this message empower? What groups does it disempower? How does this serve the media maker's interests?
It empowers people in their thirties to eat healthy and enjoy better health as you become older.  It disempowers the mother who appeared to be foolish for wanting to look younger.  It serves the food manufacturer by promoting their product as being healthy for all and if older people eat the product they will not have to work so hard to look and feel young.

What part of the story is not being told? How and where could you get more information about the untold stories?
The part of the story not being told is the actual nutritional value of the product?  Is it really a healthy choice?  The need for a lifetime healthy lifestyle not just a steamer is needed to help ensure good health as we grow older.  You could research the nutritional content of the meal and compare it to the recommended daily allowance for Americans.  You could look at the actual package, you could go on the internet and search the RDA website for daily allowances.  You could read reviews written by consumers on taste and value of the product.

1 comment:

  1. Good deconstruction of the commercial. I don't think this commercial was meant to appeal to older people at all. I think older people are marginalized here. This commercial promotes values of material wealth and youth (values that promote the superficial).
