Wednesday, September 5, 2012

week 2

Week 2 activity 2 The video talked about different ways political campaigns have used different tactics to form political opinion. The video showed a picture of our of most famous presidents Abraham Lincoln and how he was portrayed in negative ways comparing him to the likeness of an ape. I found this surprising because to me it seems that political campaigns have become more negative in recent years. The video points out that campaigns use marketing researchers to present their message. It was stated that it is important to get the message they want out early before the public forms an positive attachment to the person. They also said that scare tactics are a good way to stear public opinion to the side the campaigns wants. They use the threat of income loss, terrorism, and change of life style as motivators to choose one candidate or side over the other. When presenting these negative messages a variety of topics such as race, gender, morals and class status can be used to promote or demote each side. Making the Election About Race By THOMAS B. EDSALL, I do not think the articles or pictures were about racism but is about class warfare and socialism. The right wants the public to believe President Obama is a socialists and the left want the public to believe he is fighting for the middle class. These pictures to me give the message of the right that Obama is for giving lazy poor citizens free money and give the impression that this is the wrong direction for the country. With help of Michelle Obama, Democrats make pitch to middle class
This picture says welcome friend, I am open with nothing to hide, I care about you and her facial expression is friendly and again open. Her hair is casual and her dress is again very oprn without sleeves. We are just like you not the stuffy rich other guy, we know how to have fun and laugh not like the boring other guy. I always listened to the message and then formed my opinions based on my views but never thought about the pictures with the story also stating the intended message. Strauss, G. (2012, September 05). With help of michelle obama, democrats make pitch to middle class. U.S.A Today. Retrieved from

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